3Q’s – Elford Alley slithers into this feature!


You ever notice how 99% of author photos is of them looking off in the distance? Odd right? Well, not in the case of today’s guest – one Elford Alley. Why do I say that? He’s looking off in the distance at sasquatch, that’s why!

Welcome, Elford!


Steve: What does your writing time look like? Do you try and write at the same time each day? Do you have a word count you attempt to hit?

Elford: It changes! When the kids were babies, I timed writing during naps and very early/very late in the evening/morning. Now, they’re older, but active, and I work full time, so I steal whatever time I can and don’t have a set schedule. I try to write at least 3-5 times a week. But this summer I hope to have more time and to finally finish a novella I’ve been working on for far too long. As far as word count, I feel accomplished if I hit 1000 words a session. Now that doesn’t always happen. I recently wrote 100 words on a short story and labored over each individual word. You never know!

Steve: Out of all your releases, do you have a character you could write about forever?

Elford: In Apartment 239, a novel I’m re-releasing this summer, there is a character named Rick. He’s a devious, sinister monster who thinks he’s the hero. I brought him back for the second book because he is so fun to write. Hell, I might bring him back for the third book. Not how I’ll pull that off… He’s also fun because I based him on an actor friend of mine. So when I write, I try to think of the weirdest, strangest things I can have my friend say or do in the event this is adapted and he gets the role.

Steve: Tell me about your newest release (novel/story/poem/novella) and why someone should read it!

Elford: My most recent will be the Velox Books edition of my collection Ash and Bone, out June 13th. I feel like this collection is my darkest, and definitely a fun read for people interested in the magical world of Elford Alley Horror®, a world of trailer parks and weird small town nonsense. No one gets out alive!

Steve: Bonus Question! Did you have a favorite wrestler as a kid?

Elford: Jake the Snake! Have I ever watched him wrestle? No. But I got a toy of him as a kid and it came with a snake, which I really liked. I think I altered Jake the Snake figure with paint and clay to be a Venom action figure later on. I sent a picture to Toyfare (aging myself right now) because they would feature people’s homemade action figures, but I have no idea if it ever appeared.


Awesome stuff! Thank you, Elford!

Check out the links below!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Elford-Alley/e/B01HK4S6GI/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElfordAlley

Website: elfordalley.com

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